Season 2 - How Courage Works

Courage changes everything. How & who we love, where we work, and what we do all depend on our ability to fight fear. In the final episode of Season 2, Daryl and AP share what they’ve learned during one of the most courageous years of their lives. Courage is transferable, renewable and it compounds over time as we use it for others. How can courage become a weapon for change, a safe house for love, and an accelerant for truth in a world where fear seems to be in surplus?
Courage changes everything. How & who we love, where we work, and what we do all depend on our ability to fight fear. In the final episode of season 2, Daryl and AP share what they’ve learned during one of the most courageous years of their lives. Courage is transferable, renewable and it compounds over time as we use it for others. How can courage become a weapon for change, a safe house for love, and an accelerant for truth in a world where fear seems to be in surplus? 

"AP" Adrian Parker

"DC" Daryl Calfee

Original music produced by Lord Alfred Brown - Connect

© Daryl Calfee + Adrian Parker